void CMarkup::SetDocFlags( int nFlags );
sets the flags that pertain to the entire document object, and GetDocFlags gets them.
Update December 17, 2008: With the new CMarkup release 10.1 file I/O features, there is the additional MDF_UTF16BEFILE
flag, and now all the BOM handling and file encoding conversion is available in the Evaluation version of CMarkup.
bit is on, the file that the document is saved to or loaded from is encoded in UTF-16. UTF-16LE (little endian) is the default on Windows. See UTF-16 Files and the Byte Order Mark (BOM).
bit is set when a 3-byte UTF-8 preamble (BOM) is used in the file. This flag is set on reading a file which has a UTF-8 preamble. The 3-byte preamble itself is not kept in the document in memory, it is only in the file. The flag can also be set to force a preamble to be used when the file is saved to UTF-8. See UTF-8 Files and the Preamble.
When setting a flag bit during the course of the lifespan of the CMarkup object, you should be careful to only modify the specific bit you want to set unless you know you want to clear any other bits. Here is some code to turn a bit on or off without affecting other bits:
xml.SetDocFlags( xml.GetDocFlags() | xml.MDF_UTF8PREAMBLE ); // on xml.SetDocFlags( xml.GetDocFlags() & ~xml.MDF_UTF8PREAMBLE ); // off
Update November 20, 2010: CMarkup release 11.3 introduces MDF_TRIMWHITESPACE
document flags to provide XML and HTML whitespace processing (see Whitespace and CMarkup).
bit controls whether CMarkup is case sensitive when finding element tag names and attribute names. The MDF_IGNORECASE
flag can be set in the CMarkup constructor. Make sure this flag is applied before the document is opened (Open for MDF_READFILE
), loaded (Load) or parsed (SetDoc). It also affects navigation. See HTML And CMarkup.
CMarkup html; html.SetDocFlags( CMarkup::MDF_IGNORECASE ); html.Load( "example.html" );
does not extend to data values, only the names of elements and attributes. The following foal script demonstrates a path matching on different case tag T and attribute aa names in file mode, but the data in the predicate (in this case "hello") must match case.
<t aA="hello">hi</T>
main() { CMarkup m; m.SetDocFlags(MDF_IGNORECASE); m.Open("C:\\Temp\\t.xml", MDF_READFILE); m.FindElem("T[@aa='hello']"); return m.GetData(); }
The |
bit indicates whether the document has been modified, like a "dirty" indicator. CMarkup sets this bit whenever the document content itself is modified. You usually get this flag with GetDocFlags, rather than setting it.
ignoring case when using paths
Mark Richards 07-Jan-2014
What about ignoring case when using paths? I'm trying to use an expression like the following:
This works as expected as long as the case of the expression (e.g. "something") matches correctly. Otherwise, there's no match even if
is set prior toOpen()